Disclaimer: This first entry will be lots to read without pretty pictures. Hang in there, though, as we get going there will be eye candy galore.
So here it is folks, the beginning of a year full of creation and inspiration.
What does "B-B-B-B-B-BAD" stand for? Originally this was a personal challenge for myself to create something (primarily of polymer) every day for one year. I started twice and twice I let the ball drop into a deep void. The "B's" are for Beads, Brooches, Barrettes, Bracelets, Buttons and Bowls. Over time I have expanded the concept to include many other artistic items beginning with a "B" or using a "B" in the description. Examples include but are not limited to: Boxes, Baskets, Baubles, Bling, Bright, Blog, Book, Blue, etc.
Because I now know many, many other artists through the International Polymer Clay Guild and through facebook, I have decided to invite others to take this years journey with me.
The idea here is to challenge ourselves and to inspire each other. It is not a competition. This is a daily challenge for 365 days. Because we are in the middle of the holidays here I am going to start the challenge one month from today which will be January 21, 2013 and it will end January 21, 2014.
As with any endeavor which involves more than a couple of individuals there have to be some rules. I have tried to keep the rules simple and as few as possible and here they are.
1. Challenge will be hosted by myself, Dakotah Flannery and I will have the final word in any debate.
2. Challenge is open to individuals or to teams (see "Team" info below) from any country existing now or created during the challenge period. Individual/team agrees to submit daily photo of creative endeavors in accordance with the rules.
3. All content submitted is for general audiences. No adult material allowed. If you know of anyone in the entire world who would not want their child to see it, do not submit it. Offensive photos will be deleted and the individual who submits offensive material will be dropped from this and all future challenges hosted by myself.
4. The challenge was begun to showcase polymer, but since it has been expanded, polymer does not have to be the medium of choice. Any artist creating lasting tactile objects meeting the "B" headings may participate. While I appreciate all the arts, for the purposes of this challenge the following categories will not be included: performance art, writers, poets, songwriters, singers, graffiti, videos/tapes.
5. All materials/photos must be the work of the artist/team submitting. Please submit in 72 dpi so the site we choose will not bog down and discourage viewing.
6. All materials/photos submitted must have been created during the period of January 21, 2013 through January 21, 2014.
7. Participants agree host will remove them from the challenge if they miss more than 7 days postings without prior notification to host. Once removed a participant will not be reinstated. (Before you let this one throw you, look further down to "52 free days".)
8. Participants agree, by joining and participating, to an item swap in celebration of making it through the challenge. Swap will take place at the end of the challenge and details will be covered under the heading "Swap" below.
Because I want as many people as possible to participate and because I know many may find the idea of creating a piece of work every day daunting, I am opening the challenge to teams.
1. Teams may be comprised of 2-30 individuals. (i.e. two or more friends or a guild)
2. Teams will choose a name for the team and a team leader.
3. The team leader will be responsible for submitting the names of all the participants to me. Any names I am not familiar with may have trouble submitting. Team leaders will also be responsible for making sure all members of the team know which day(s) they are responsible to submit and must be ready to submit if any member is unable to fulfill her(his) obligation.
4. Each individual of the team will be responsible for a swap item and agrees to the year end swap.
As a last hurray and gift to ourselves all participants will submit one item from their creative journey at the end of the year. Participants agree to choose their favorite piece from the year to swap. The first week of January 2014 I will place the names of all participants in a bowl and draw two at a time until all are paired. In the event of an uneven number of participants I will swap with two. Because the challenge is open to folks from all over the world, please save enough pennies between now and then for international shipping. (If you put away 25 cents each day you will have close to $90 which should be more than enough.) If you know, now, the cost would be prohibitive for you, be sure to remind me before the pairings and I will be sure to pair you with someone closer to your area.
Let's face it, 365 days of creativity is a daunting proposition. Most all of us wear many hats, juggle more than 2 balls at any given time and have just plain off days. How do we participate if we go on vacation? For this reason I have included the following 52 free days as follows:
1. 13 times during the 365 day challenge you may submit a book review. The book may be a "how to" or a compilation of artistic works (i.e., Polymer clay for the first time, any of the Lark Publications 500 Series, etc.) Book review will be 2 to 4 paragraphs only, must include the author's name, preferably the ISBN (so others can find it) and should include why you recommend it to the challenge participants. Please do not include a photo of the book as I am not sure whether or not this would be copyright infringement. While you may review a book someone else has already reviewed, please try to approach your review from a different viewpoint of the first (other) reviewer(s). Remember, we are trying to inspire each other.
2. 13 times during the 365 day challenge you may submit a blog review. For the blog review a complete and correct address must be included so others can find it. Blogs reviewed must be of artists who create items matching the "B" challenge. Negative reviews are not allowed. This review should also be 2 to 4 paragraphs long. If the blog has been previously reviewed please refer to a specific date so we can see the piece you found most inspiring. Under no circumstances may you use photos from the blogger's site without written permission from the blogger.
3. 13 times during the 365 day challenge you may have a "boo-boo" day. This would include a photo of any disaster encountered along the journey. We all have them. Did the cat take all your beads and thread for the bracelet you were going to make that day and tangle them irredeemably? Did you forget and let the oven get too hot and so completely discolor your bright white polymer piece? Those are both boo-boos.
4. 13 times during the 365 day challenge you may have a "beg off" day. Beg offs should be used when you know you are going where there is no way to submit anything at all. Will you be in the hospital overnight? Are you going where there is no internet access? Good times for a beg off day. Whenever possible, please let me know ahead of time you are taking beg off days.
To help avoid all beg off days I offer the following suggestions for days away from home. Remember that many mediums are available to you. Bracelets and brooches do not have to be made out of your traditional materials. Think outside the box. Know you are going on vacation, think ahead. I know, for example, I will be going to Synergy3 and visiting relatives for at least 14 days in March and most probably on the road for another 15-20 days in April. I plan to have made up many focal bead, barrette and bracelet blanks to zentangle on during my travels. I can put it all in a shoebox and still meet my creative challenge responsibilities each day.
We have an entire month to work out how to submit and I am open to suggestion. Basically, your job, if you choose to participate is to make something every day, take a photo of it and submit the photo to the group site.
Questions and suggestions should be sent to: